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Some nanomaterials for Thermochromic Application Some nanomaterials for Thermochromic Application

Thermochromism refers to the phenomenon where a material undergoes color changes under temperature changes. This change is usually caused by changes in the electronic or molecular structure of the material. Its application principle mainly involves t...


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  • Silver nanoparticles use in polymer composite materials
    Silver nanoparticles use in polymer composite materials
          Nano silver/polymer composite materials, as an important member of the composite materials, with its excellent physical and chemical properties, has got fast development in terms of effective antibacterial sterilization. Small particle size,large specific surface area and more surface activity center number, silver nanoparticles is playing an role of the high catalytic activity and selectivity, and polymer material can prevent reunion of silver nanoparticles and keep long-term stability.       Nano silver/polymer composite materials can become excellent antibacterial materials, the main reasons are as follows: 1. After the nano silver is composited to polymer,the material is more stable, silver ions loss is slower, duration is longer, bacteriostasis effect is more lasting. 2. The specific surface area of silver nanoparticles is big, and can touch the microbes to a greater availability,therefore, sterilization rate is higher. 3. Non-toxic to human body but can efficiently kill microorganisms, and won't become resistant. 4. Some of the polymer itself has antibacterial, after being composited synergies produces, bacteriostatic effect is better.       the polymer compositing nano silver should have the features in below: 1. Stable physical and chemical properties, can be used as a bearing base of silver nanoparticles. 2. Do not react with silver nanoparticles, nano silver antibacterial properties will not be lowered. 3. Some of the polymer itself has antibacterial property, which can enhance the bacteriostatic effect of material.       Polymers commonly used as composite include polyethylene oxide PEO,  polyaniline PAn, Polyrhodanine, cellulose,  polypyrrole PPy,  poly dopamine PDA and so on. These are the quite ideal composite materials with silver, can improve the effect of antibacterial material.       The polymer price is cheaper, has a wide source, so nano silver/polyer composite cost is reduced, and the bacteriostatic effect enhance, it will become an important trend of future research.       Based on the above reasons,in medicine, nano silver/polymer composite materials are used in a bandage, dentist, catheters, etc., in maritime, silver nanoparticles/polymer composite materials is used in ship manufacturing, in life, it is used in the water, clothing, baby supplies, and other fields.Predictably, the future life will be is closely related to nano silver/polymer composite materials.       Hongwu International Group Ltd is committed to provide high-quality silver nanoparticles with the most reasonable price for customers who are doing nanotech research and have formed a complete cycle of researching, manufacturing, marketing and after-sale servicing. The company’s silver nanoparticles have been sold to many countries around the world. if you have any request about silver particles, please feel free to contact us at
  • Silver Metal Nanoparticles
    Ag NPs Silver Metal Nanoparticles Powder for antibacterial use
    Silver Metal Nanoparticles are well known for their antimicrobial properties. HW Nanomaterials can produce various spherical silver powder, size from 20nm to 5um, with 99.99%purity.
  •  Silver nanoparticles dispersion
    Colored Silver nanoparticles dispersion(Colloidal silver)
    Hongwu Silver nanoparticles dispersion silver colloid has been used for fighting germs and preventing infections. antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties are the mainly uses of  silver nanoparticels.
  • Antibacterial Ag Nanopowder Buy Silver Nanoparticles High Purity
    Antibacterial Ag Nanopowder Buy Silver Nanoparticles High Purity
    The conventional particle sizes of nano-sized silver particles are: 20nm, 50nm, 80nm, 100nm, which can be customized according to requirements.
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