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Magnetic nanoparticles spherical iron 3 oxide powders


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Magnetic nanoparticles spherical iron 3 oxide powders

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Magnetic nanoparticles spherical iron 3 oxide powders


Magnetic nanoparticles FE3O4, synonymous words include iron oxide powder, iron 3 oxide, ironoxide black, nano ferriferrous oxide,etc.


Several applications of magnetic fe3o4 nanoparticles 


1. Biological medicine. Especially in drug carrier of cancer treatment.


2. Megnetic liquid/fluid. Magnetic fluid has been widely used in mineral processing technology, precision grinding, magnetic liquid damping device, magnetic fluid seals, magnetic bearings and magnetic liquid printing, magnetic fluid lubrication, magnetic liquid fuels, magnetic liquid dyes, magnetic speed sensor and acceleration sensor, magnetic liquid transducer, magnetic gyroscope, low frequency underwater acoustic generator, and shift register.


3. Magnetci record material. Fe3o4 iron 3 oxide nanoparticles is prodcuced into particle size 80-100nm,and have very high coercivity, arrive best record effect.



We, Hongwu Nanometer, are offering different shape & size Nanoparticles, Nanopowders, Nanowires, Micropowder, Carbon Nanotube, Surface Coating, Dispersion, Compounds and Innovative Materials. If you are interested in nanomaterials and composites  we would like to hear from you.




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