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Some nanomaterials for Thermochromic Application Some nanomaterials for Thermochromic Application

Thermochromism refers to the phenomenon where a material undergoes color changes under temperature changes. This change is usually caused by changes in the electronic or molecular structure of the material. Its application principle mainly involves t...

  • Silkworms fed with carbon nanotube and graphene to spin super-silk
    Silkworms fed with carbon nanotube and graphene to spin super-silk
    • December 19,2018.

          A team at tsinghua university in China fed silkworms nanomaterials, including graphene and carbon nanotubes, to strengthen the silk produced by caterpillars.As the moth rotates, parts of the nanomaterials combine into fibers,whic...

  • Precious metal nanoparticles application description
    Precious metal nanoparticles application description
    • December 10,2018.

    Noble metal nanoparticles mainly includes Nano silver, nano gold, nano platinum, nano palladium, nano iridium, nano rhodium and nano ruthenium powder,etc. 1) Electronic field. As one of the key functional materials, silver powder conductive paste has...

  • Silicon carbide whiskers for ceramic matrix composites
    Silicon carbide whiskers for ceramic matrix composites
    • December 3,2018.

          Properties of Silicon Carbide Whisker SiC Whisker (SiC-w) is a highly oriented single crystal fiber with a diameter ranging from nanometer to micrometer. The crystal structure is similar to that of diamond. There are few chemical...

  • Subverting existing cognitive nanotechnology
    Subverting existing cognitive nanotechnology
    • November 5,2018.

    Nanotechnology is a technology that explores and controls substances below 100 nanometers. At this scale, materials exhibit properties that are distinct from macroscopic and microscopic particles. After the rapid development of the last two or three ...

  • What are the applications of nano graphene in mobile phones?
    What are the applications of nano graphene in mobile phones?
    • October 25,2018.

    Graphene is a two-dimensional carbon nanomaterial composed of a carbon atom and a sp2 hybrid orbital to form a hexagonal honeycomb lattice. Graphene has excellent optical, electrical and mechanical properties, and has important application prospects ...

  • Oxide Nanomaterials using in the glasses
    Oxide Nanomaterials using in the glasses
    • October 11,2018.

    Oxide Nanomaterials using in the glasses for Self-cleaning, transparent insulation, infrared absorption, conductive glass. 1. Nano titanium dioxide Ordinary glass will adsorb organic matter in the air during use, forming dirt that is difficult t...

  • the difference between Graphene GP,GO,rGO
    the difference between Graphene GP,GO,rGO
    • September 18,2018.

    The ISO definition: Single layer Graphene: single carbon atom; Two layers of graphene: two well stacked layers of graphene; Multilayer graphene: a stack of 3-10 well-defined graphene layers; Graphene nano-sheet: thickness between 5 and 25nm, tra...

  • Carbon Nanotube in Preparation of Special Polymer Film
    Carbon Nanotube in Preparation of Special Polymer Film
    • September 12,2018.

    The introduction of inorganic components in the polymer film can not only improve the pore structure and distribution of the modified film, enhance the mechanical properties and thermal stability, but also improve the membrane permeability and select...

  • Nano Zirconia composite material Overview
    Nano Zirconia composite material Overview
    • September 5,2018.

    I. Overview of Nanocomposite Zirconia       Zirconium oxide (ZrO2) is an inorganic non-metallic material with high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, wear resistance and low coefficient of thermal expansion. It is naturally ...

  • Application of Nano Yttria Stabilized Zirconia/YSZ in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
    Application of Nano Yttria Stabilized Zirconia/YSZ in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
    • August 17,2018.

          Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) is a third-generation fuel cell, which is an all-solid state that directly converts chemical energy stored in fuel and oxidant into highly efficient and environment-friendly energy at medium and high ...

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