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Silkworms fed with carbon nanotube and graphene to spin super-silk


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Silkworms fed with carbon nanotube and graphene to spin super-silk

  • December 19,2018.

      A team at tsinghua university in China fed silkworms nanomaterials, including graphene and carbon nanotubes, to strengthen the silk produced by caterpillars.As the moth rotates, parts of the nanomaterials combine into fibers,which is stronger and more conductive than normal silk thread, it is expected to open up new ways to make fabrics, medical implants and so on.

      This strengthened silk has higher strength and can withstand 1.5 times the stress before breaking.In addition, scientists found that the super silk can reach a high temperature after being heated, the conductivity of  wire is very good, there is an ordered crystal structure.Silkworm moths are fed carbon nanostructures that are only 0.2 percent of the weight of their food, preventing them from using toxic solvents to dissolve the carbon nanomaterials.

      Similar study was reported from scientists at Donghua University by incorporating multi walled carbon nanotube into silk and measuring an increase in mechanical strength of the silk fibers. Also, silkworms were fed with titanium dioxide to obtain super-strong silk which is also resistant to ultraviolet degradation.

      Super silk could potentially be used for smart sensors or medical implants.It is expected to open up the possibility of mass production of high-strength silk fibers.

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