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Which is more important, Service Experience and Product Quality for nanomaterials?

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Which is more important, Service Experience and Product Quality for nanomaterials?

  • January 23,2019.
For a long time, we always believe that the quality of products is the foundation for the survival of enterprises. However, some people have succeeded in achieving a leading position in a field by virtue of service experience and the successful model hard to be duplicated.

When it comes to service experience, we should think of Haidilao Hotpot of catering sector, said which dish is the most delicious, many people may have no impression, but speaking of haidilao service, can think of many, such as when you eat alone,put a doll in your opposite, free manicures, when clothes dirty have new clothes for you, do you like the store goldfish? finished eating the waiter to pack for you to take away,etc. the customer experience to the extreme, have also brought haidilao millions of loyal customers and to customers by word of mouth.

Haidilao brand has formed a unique cultural phenomenon in the Chinese catering industry and become the pronoun of extreme service experience and dining experience. Haidilao is committed to providing services far beyond customers' expectations.

Haidilao's recipe for success is not product but service. Is this emerging approach feasible in nanomaterials production industries?

With the development of the industry as a whole, more and more enterprises attach importance to service, not only to provide users with excellent quality, stable quality, timely supply of products, but also to provide users with personalized solutions.

Although the current focus of HOWU nanomaterials is still on products quality, we believe that service is also same important, that service endows products with life and that service can reflect the value of products.Under the premise of fully understanding the needs of customers, we will customize high-end nanomaterials for customers.

The company’s main mission is as a professional supplier in the field of nano new materials with related service,to conduct basic, applied, and technological research and is orientated towards commercialisation process. Through the evaluation of new ideas HOWU determines the most effective route to ensure a successful knowledge transfer from the laboratory to the industry.

We pay special attention to the quality assurance of the products and services we deliver. We believe that this is the best way to make products work as effectively as possible.

Our clients can rely on our products working properly and as specified because we put an emphasis on quality assurance as a key factor. By investing in quality assurance, we invest in our customers’ business success.

We will be committed to meeting and exceeding the expectations of our client. We strive to deliver high-quality, reliable nanomaterials products that our customers can use with confidence.

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