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Nano Silver powders is good placement of micron powders


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Nano Silver powders is good placement of micron powders

  • July 4,2016.

Nano silver powders based on its small particle size and large specific surface area, the activity of large, high catalytic activity, low melting point, good sintering properties, etc., while retaining the conductivity of metallic silver, good antibacterial properties, nano silver powders is used more versatile. Spherical silver particle size refers to <100nm spherical because of its small particle size, high surface activity, large specific surface area, catalytic ability, so it is widely applied in different area.

nano silver powders

Instead of using micron silver powder the market now is using nano silver powder which has the following advantages:

(1) nano size silvers metal production of electronic slurry particles smaller, more usable mesh screen during screen printing, thereby the degree of densification to give a better surface coating, and high efficiency operation of the screen.

(2) Use nano silver powder can reduce the amount of silver, reduce production costs. According to a patent application in Bremen, Germany Institute of Physics, said use silver nano to instead of the micron to produce the conductive adhesive can be welded metal and ceramic coatings without too thick, and the coating surface roughness, can save 50% of the amount of silver .

(3) Since the nano silver powders is generally lower than the melting point of the object coarse grains, and therefore the conductive paste made of silver powder with a nanometer, the sintering temperature is generally lower than normal slurry, which reduces the temperature of the substrate material performance requirements. It can even be used as a substrate material like plastic.

by Lyla

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