
Aluminum powders


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Nano Aluminum AL nanoparticles Applications

  • September 8,2020.

The metal content of aluminum in the crust occupies is in a second position, surpassed only by the iron content. In daily life, all kinds of aluminum products have been widely used. More it is worth noting that due to the density of aluminum is high, low oxygen consumption, with high combustion enthalpy, make can have high aluminum content in the solid propellant to enhance the role of specific impulse is quite significant. Coupled with the rich raw materials and low cost, as an energy material additives, nano alumium powders are widely used in rocket propellants.

Compared with ordinary aluminum powder, nanometer aluminum powder has the characteristics of combustion heat faster. If add 1% in solid fuel propellant mass ratio of superfine aluminum or nickel particles, heat of combustion of fuel can increase 1 times.

Nano Aluminum can used in Solar Cells. With the continuous improvement of the solar cell material and the production level, the life span of the solar cells is increasing constantly, that is, the diffusion length of the minority carriers is increasing. When the diffusion length of a few carriers is equivalent to the thickness of the silicon wafer or the thickness of the silicon slice, the effect of the composite velocity on the surface of the back surface is obvious to the solar cell characteristics. From the current commercial solar cells, in order to reduce the cost of solar cells, improve efficiency, manufacturers are constantly reducing the thickness of silicon to reduce the price of raw materials. Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency of the battery, we must consider reducing the compound speed of the back surface of the battery and improving the response of the long wave spectrum. So aluminum back surface field will have a direct impact on the output characteristics of solar cells. If particles are small, aluminum slurry and silicon wafers are in good contact; if particles are large, there is a large gap and empty causing poor contact between aluminum and silicon contact, which makes some areas do not form aluminum back field. So the particle size of aluminum pulp for the formation of aluminum back and the quality of both have a very important relationship.

The smaller the aluminum particles, the lower the melting point, the easier it is to form a silicon-aluminum composite layer at a certain temperature and the silicon-based material, the more favorable the formation of the aluminum back field and improve the output characteristics of the solar cell.

Besides, aluminum powder is often used to create silver metallic pigments, and is sometimes sold in art stores as aluminum bronze. Aluminum bronze is a flaky aluminum powder that is usually coated with steatite or another compound that reduces its reactivity. Pigments made with aluminum powder are generally used in electronics, packaging and in the automotive industry as coatings. Aluminum powder is also used to create a thick paste that is painted onto the back of photovoltaic solar cells to make them conductive.

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