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Composte /matrix method-Carbon Nanotubes

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Composte /matrix method-Carbon Nanotubes

  • January 6,2015.

Carbon nanotubes have many outstanding properties, such as low density,high aspect ratio,high electrical conductivity, elastic moduli in the TPa range and high fracture strain. These properties make them attractive candidates for making advanced composites have been one of the most important topics for many potential applications requirin the combination of mechanical, electronic and or optical properties of CNTs and polymer materials. There have also been many attempts to incorporate carbon nanotubes in polymer materials to tailor electrical properties suitable for different applications.

For the purpose of application of CNT-polymer composite to flexible electronic devices, developed an effective method  for fabricating carbon nanotubes polymer composites by incorporating vertically aligned MWNTs into a poly matrix.The propsed technique appears to be worthy of notice because carbon nanotubes architecture of any shape and dimension can easily be transferred completely into a polymer matrix,keeping the CNT alignment, and the resulting CNT-polymer matrix,keeping the CNT alignment,and the resulting CNT-polymer composite film has remarkable flexibility and shows conductivity under severe strain.

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