Dispersion method of nano silver powder

Because of the volume effect, surface effect, quantum size and other effects unique to nanomaterials, nano silver powder has many special uses. In the field of antibacterial medicine, silver nano particles are more likely to be in close contact with pathogenic microorganisms, thereby exerting greater biological effects. It has the characteristics of wide antibacterial range and long duration, and is a new type of nano material with broad application prospects.


Nanopowders have small particle size and high surface activity, and it is easy to agglomerate between particles. Ag nano powder is no exception. The agglomeration will affect the development and application of nano Ag particle and its derivatives. The key technology is solve the agglomeration and obtain a stable dispersion. In order to obtain nano silver materials that are compatible with the process formula and are easy to disperse, please refer to the following points:


  1. If the user is willing to provide the application details, Hongwu Nano can modify the silver nanowires in advance to improve the dispersion of silver accordingly.
  2. In general, the addition of surfactants and mechanical dispersion methods should be combined to achieve good dispersion effects.
  3. Commonly used mechanical dispersing equipments include: generally used in low viscosity systems such as water and organic solutions, high-speed dispersing machines and ultrasonic equipment can be selected. High-viscosity system (paste) can be selected pulp mill, surface mill, high-speed dispersion disc, ball mill, etc..
  4. The dried silver powder can be depolymerized and surface modified with a supersonic jet mill.
  5. Commonly used surfactants: polymer surfactants such as PVP, gum arabic, polyethylene glycol, polyvinyl alcohol, etc. These dispersants are recommended for water-based systems. Surfactants can be used in combination and can significantly improve the dispersion effect.
  6. Based on years of silver powder production experience and users’ feedback, Hongwu Nano has summed up practical nano silver powder dispersion methods and techniques. Currently we can provide untreated nanosilver powder, surface-modified nano-silver powder, nano-silver water dispersion(colloidalAg), etc. Tailor-made nano-silver series products according to customer requirements.