Discovery of Silicon Carbide

Silicon carbide (SiC) with quartz sand, petroleum coke (or coal), wood chips (the production of green silicon carbide need to add salt) and other raw materials by high temperature resistance furnace smelting. Silicon carbide also exists in nature, rare mineral moissanite. Silicon carbide, also known as Moissanite. In contemporary C, N, B and other high-tech non-oxide refractory materials, and silicon carbide is the most widely used, most economical, can be called emery or refractory sand. China’s industrial production of silicon carbide is divided into two kinds of black silicon carbide, and green silicon carbide, are hexagonal crystals, a specific gravity of 3.20 – 3.25, the hardness of 2840 ~ 3320kg / mm2.

Silicon carbide was accidentally invented by Edward G. Acheson different field in 1891, while trying to manufacture artificial diamonds. A mixture of fine sand and charcoal brick is about the inner conductor resistance furnace carbon. Current passing through the furnace to bring the carbon in the coke and silica sand, a chemical reaction to form the compound of SiC and carbon monoxide gas. In the end you have a green and black crystal like components, these components after crushing and grinding into various sizes each use. The crystals were deeper, smaller purity. Some natural silicon carbide was found in Arizona Grand Canyon Diablo meteorite. Most of the sales to the worldwide silicon carbide is synthetic.

Acheson patented the method of making silicon carbide in 1893. Silicon carbide is also called carborundum because Acheson was trying to dissolve carbon in molten corundum (alumina) when this material was discovered,and now silicon dioxide nanoparticles is popular very much. It was first put to use as an abrasive and later used in electronic applications. It was also used as a detector in radios in 20th century. In 1907 LED was first produced by Henry Joseph Round by applying high voltage to silicon carbide crystals.

This chemical has low density, high strength, low thermal expansion, high thermal conductivity, high hardness, excellent thermal shock resistance, and fantastic chemical inertness. Due to its properties it is widely used in suction box covers, seals, bearings, ball valve parts, hot gas flow liners, heat exchangers, semiconductor process equipment and fixed and moving turbine components.

In today’s world it is commonly used in abrasives such as grinding, water-jet cutting, sandblasting etc. Particles of the silicon carbide are used in sandpaper. It is also found in various automobile parts such as brake disks due to its resistance to extreme temperatures. The compound is also used in the mirror of the astronomical telescope because of its rigidity and hardness and thermal conductivity. It is also used to melt glass and non-ferrous metals, production of ceramics, float glass production, steel production, as catalyst support, graphene production etc.

It is also used as a gemstone in jewelery and is referred to as “moissanite” and is similar to diamond in its hardness with a Mohs hardness rating of 9. It is much more resistant to heat and lighter than diamonds and hence has more shine, sharper facets. It has also become a very popular diamond substitute.

Related reading: aluminum oxide nanopowder silicon carbide whisker

Antimicrobial Features of Nano Silver

Nanometer (nm) is the second smallest micron unit of measurement, a nanometer is a millionth millimeter, namely nanometer, which is one billionth of a meter. Nano-silver, nano-technology is the use of cutting-edge nano silver, nano technology appears, the silver in the nano state sterilization ability to produce a qualitative leap, little nano silver may have a strong bactericidal effect, can kill in minutes Death 650 kinds of bacteria, broad-spectrum bactericidal without any resistance, can promote wound healing, cell growth and repair of damaged cells without any toxicity, skin irritation also did not find any, which gives wide Application to antibacterial nano silver has opened up broad prospects, is the latest generation of natural antibacterial agent, nano-silver sterilization has the following characteristics:
Broad-spectrum antibiotic

Silver nanoparticles directly into the cell and oxygen metabolizing enzymes (-SH) combine to make a unique cell suffocated mechanism of action, can kill most bacteria in contact with, fungi, mold spores and other microorganisms. After eight domestic authorities found: their drug-resistant pathogens, such as E. coli, resistant Staphylococcus aureus, resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus pyogenes resistant enterococci, anaerobic bacteria, which are full of antibacterial activity; surface burns and trauma of common bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans and other G +, G- pathogens have a bactericidal effect; Chlamydia trachomatis, a sexually transmitted disease caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae also has a strong bactericidal effect.

An antibiotic can kill about six kinds of pathogens, and antibacterial coating nano silver can kill hundreds of pathogenic microorganisms. Kill bacteria, fungi, trichomonas, branch / chlamydia, gonorrhea, strong bactericidal effect of antibiotic resistant bacteria have the same role in the killing!
Potent bactericidal

It found, Ag 650 kinds of bacteria can kill within minutes. Nano silver particles and pathogens in the cell wall / membrane-bound, directly into the cell and quickly combine with oxygen metabolizing enzyme sulfhydryl (-SH), inactivating the enzyme, blocking the respiratory metabolism to suffocate it. Unique sterilization mechanism, making silver nanoparticles at low concentrations can rapidly kill pathogens.

Silver nanoparticles with superior permeability, can rapidly penetrate the subcutaneous 2mm sterilization, for common bacteria, stubborn bacteria, resistant bacteria as well as the deeper tissue infections caused by fungi have a good bactericidal effect.
Repair and regeneration

Nano-silver can promote wound healing, promoting repair and regeneration of damaged cells, to rot myogenic, anti-bacterial anti-inflammatory improve microcirculation trauma to surrounding tissue, effectively activate and promote the growth of tissue cells, accelerate wound healing and reduce scarring generated.

Antibacterial lasting

Silver nanoparticles utilizing patented technology, outer layer of protective film can be gradually released in the human body, so the antibacterial effect.
No drug resistance

Nano-silver is a non-antibiotic agents: nano-silver can kill a variety of pathogenic microorganisms, stronger than antibiotics, antibacterial mechanism of silver nanoparticles unique 10nm size can quickly kill bacteria directly to the loss of reproductive capacity, and therefore, can not produce the next generation of drug resistance, and can effectively avoid drug resistance and cause recurrent permanently.

Silver applications in modern medicine

In 1884, the German obstetrician F. Crede (Claude), the concentration of 1% silver nitrate solution was dropped in the eyes of newborns to prevent blindness caused by neonatal conjunctivitis, the incidence of infant blindness dropped from 10% 0.2 percent, until today, many countries still using Crede prophylaxis.

In 1893, C. Von Nageli (Nag column) through a systematic study, first reported in the metal (especially silver) bacteria and other lower organisms lethal effect, so there may be a silver disinfectant. Since then, the use of silver into the modern era.

Silver in various forms used in modern medicine, comprising:

(1)silver: 0.5% silver nitrate standard solution for treating burns and wounds; 10-20% silver nitrate solution applied, it can be used for the treatment of cervical erosion.

(2)Silver sulfadiazine: Columbia University Charles L. Fox (Fox) professor and sulfadiazine silver compound, silver sulfadiazine produced its activity than the individual sulfa strong activity at least 50 times. 1968, silver sulfadiazine (Sulfadiazine Silver) introduced to the market, because of its variety of bacteria, fungi and efficient role in the killing has, naturally, painless way to completely repair the wound site without skin grafting, has become the treatment of trauma ( such as burns) important drugs. It has now been included in the national basic medical insurance drug list.

(3)colloidal silver or silver protein: an effective topical anti-infective substances, colloidal silver can be used for gynecological sterilization.

(4) silver plated materials: silver, founder of the research, AB Flick (Fleck), Dr. Silver has developed a product that is coated with a layer of silver on a bandage, used as a dressing. Inspired by him, people use silver antimicrobial resistance, have developed a silver-plated sutures, silver catheter. Currently the United States has a dozen silver-containing products, listed as a medical device to obtain FDA approval, including silver dressings, silver gelatin, silver powder and other types of medical products.

Related reading: nano diamond powder Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles

History of Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes

1985 British scientist spectrum professor at the University of Sussex American Kroto and Smalley and Curl at Rice University professor in two collaborative research, we found a high degree of symmetry of the carbon element may be formed by a cage-like 60 or 70 carbon atoms in the C60 and C70 molecular structure, known as buckyballs (Buckyballs).

In 1991, Japanese scientists Iijima at NEC preparing cathode scarring C60 for the first time by high resolution tunneling electron microscopy revealed an outer diameter of 515nm, an inner diameter of 213nm, stacked by only two coaxial cylindrical surface made of graphite-like carbon nanotubes. Then in 1993, Iijima and Bethune research group also reported the structure is very simple synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes, which is theoretically predicted properties of carbon nanotubes offer the possibility of experiments on carbon clusters to further broaden the scope of the material, also greatly contributed to the theoretical and experimental study of carbon nanotubes so that the field is now becoming a hot global research. Carbon nanotubes are following the discovery of C60 carbon allotropes with another, smaller radial dimension, the tube diameter is generally a few nanometers to several tens of nanometers, smaller diameter of the tube, some only about 1nm; and Its length is generally in the micron level, length and diameter ratio is very large, up to 103 to 106. Thus, carbon nanotubes are considered to be a typical one-dimensional nanomaterials. Since carbon nanotubes were found to mankind, has been hailed as the future of the material, it is one of the frontiers of international science in recent years. Professor Alex Zettl Berkeley University of California think, on prospects for C60 and carbon nanotubes to conduct a comprehensive comparison, C60 can be summarized with a sheet of paper, and carbon nanotubes need to complete a book.

The unique structure of multi walled carbon nanotubes determines that it has many special physical and chemical properties. Composed of carbon nanotubes C = C covalent bond is nature’s most stable chemical bond, it makes the carbon nanotube has a very excellent mechanical properties. Theoretical calculations show that carbon nanotubes have high strength and great toughness. Its theoretical value estimate Young’s modulus up 5TPa, strength is about 100 times stronger than steel, but weight density is only 1/6 of steel. Treacy and so for the first time use of the TEM measurements of the temperature within the range from room temperature to 800 degrees change MWCNTs mean square amplitude, to derive the average Young’s modulus is about multi-walled carbon nanotubes 1.8Tpa. The Salvetat and other measurements of Young’s modulus of single-walled small-diameter carbon nanotubes, and export its shear modulus 1Tpa. Wong et AFM measured bending strength multi-walled carbon nanotubes with an average of 14.2 ± 10.8GPa, and bending strength of the carbon fibers but only 1GPa. Whether it is the strength or toughness of carbon nanotubes, they are far superior to any fiber, is considered the future of the “super fiber.” It predicted that carbon nanotubes could become a new kind of high-strength carbon fiber material, both inherent nature of the carbon material, and a conductive metallic material and thermal conductivity, heat and corrosion resistance of ceramic materials, textile fibers can be woven , as well as lightweight polymer materials, ease of processing. The carbon nanotubes as composite reinforcement, is expected to show good strength, elasticity, fatigue resistance and isotropic carbon nanotube-reinforced composites can be expected to bring composites may leap. Research produced by nanotube composite material is first carried out on a metal base, such as: Fe / carbon nanotube, Al / carbon nanotube, Ni / carbon nanotube, Cu / carbon nanotube. In recent years, the focus has shifted to the carbon nanotube polymer composites / carbon nanotube composite material aspects, such as high-strength lightweight materials, the use of carbon fiber as a reinforcing material, the mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes and small diameter and a large aspect ratio will bring better enhancement.

Related reading: Silver Nanoparticles Antimicrobial antibacterial coating nano silver

Application Status of Nano Nickel Oxide

Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles is a better catalytic oxidation catalyst, Ni2 + has a 3d orbital, has a tendency to multi-electron oxygen adsorbed preferentially on the other reducing gases have the effect of activating and reducing gas O2 plays a catalytic decomposition of organic matter synthesis, conversion processes, such as gasoline hydrocracking, petrochemical processing hydrocarbon conversion, heavy oil hydrogenation process, NiO is a good catalyst. In the catalytic combustion of natural gas, in order to avoid the reaction temperature is too high in the air oxidation of N2 NOx, and unburned CO produced entirely using NiO / CuO-Zr02 composite catalyst to improve its high temperature stability. In the process of the preparation of carbon nanotubes, used in the NiO / Si02 composite catalyst and higher Ni content, high yielding synthesis of carbon nanotubes, the diameter distribution is narrow, and NiO content and shape directly affects the carbon nano Yield and Characters tube. In wastewater treatment, NiO is remove CH4, cyanide, N2, prompting NOx decomposition catalyst. NiO as Photocatalytic Degradation of Acid Red catalyst, in the treatment of organic wastewater, the effect is very significant.

2、glass ceramic additives and colorings
Ceramics by NiO to increase its impact, when added to NiO (O.02 (wt)%), can also improve the electrical properties of materials, such as piezoelectric properties and dielectric properties. Plus NiO in the glass is mainly controlled color glass can absorb ultraviolet in brown coloration stable on transparent glass containing a small amount of NiO. Transparent glass mirrors and decorative glass, are added the right amount of NiO as a coloring agent.

3、Battery Electrode
With the continuous development of communication and information technology, the capacitor has also been an unprecedented development. Because ultracapacitors now has a much higher energy density than electrostatic capacitors and much higher power density than traditional chemical power becomes a hotspot. According to the research showed that ruthenium oxide is the most studied, the best performance of an electrochemical capacitor electrode material, but because it’s very expensive hindered its large-scale application. Activated carbon resistance and larger features make it sights on transition metal oxides. The transition metal oxide because of its own quasi-capacitance phenomenon as an electrode material for supercapacitors. Currently, the use of Ni, Mn, Co and other oxides of resistance is small, inexpensive, and is larger than the capacity and other characteristics, battery electrode materials made of concern. Molten carbonate fuel cell using NiO as the cathode, with gas or natural gas as fuel, is a power generation efficiency than conventional thermal power of clean energy. And nano-NiO battery Compared with ordinary NiO battery has obvious advantages discharge, the discharge capacity significantly increased, electrochemical performance is improved.

NiO is more and more attention in recent years, gas sensor material. At present, made into nano NiO formaldehyde sensor, CO sensor, H2 sensors used in actual production.

Related reading: silicon dioxide nanoparticles aluminum oxide nanopowder

Applications of Carbon NanoTubes

If you are an engineer, and hope to establish something, it will last a long time, to take the final element of abuse, and even can withstand 5 hurricane, as well as can be; how would you do it?

Perhaps you would want a material that is stronger than steel, flexible and yet, harder than diamonds; indeed and that is what she said. No more viagra needed? But in all seriousness can you image a real legitimate use for this type of material? How about replacing wooden dams in flood prone areas or cement dams in Earthquake prone regions? How about a car that you could play bumper cars with and never lose, the ultimate urban assault vehicles? Speaking of urban assault and the war in Iraq which is similar to the Los Angeles Freeways, how about a Humvee made out of that kind of material. Yah that would save our Troops from roadside bombs and murderous cowardice International Terrorists indeed. What if you were making these units out of a material that was ten times lighter than steel and 250 times the strength?

Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWNTs) are ideal systems for investigating fundamental properties in one-dimensional electronic systems and have the potential to revolutionize many aspects of nano/molecular electronics. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has been used to characterize the atomic structure and tunneling density of states of individual SWNTs. Detailed spectroscopic measurements showed one-dimensional singularities in the SWNT density of states for both metallic and semiconducting nanotubes. The results obtained were compared to and agree well with theoretical predictions and tight-binding calculations. SWNTs were also shortened using the STM to explore the role of finite size, which might be exploited for device applications. Segments less than 10 nm exhibited discrete peaks in their tunneling spectra, which correspond to quantized energy levels, and whose spacing scales inversely with length. Finally, the interaction between magnetic impurities and electrons confined to one dimension was studied by spatially resolving the local electronic density of states of small cobalt clusters on metallic SWNTs. Spectroscopic measurements performed on and near these clusters exhibited a narrow peak near the Fermi level that has been identified as a Kondo resonance. In addition, spectroscopic studies of ultrasmall magnetic nanostructures, consisting of small cobalt clusters on short nanotube pieces, exhibited features characteristic of the bulk Kondo resonance, but also new features due to their finite size.

Well as an engineer you would be making bridges, nuclear power plants, ships, airplanes, cars, buildings and swimming pools out of it. You would be thinking of Space Shuttles, Lunar Colonies, Satellites, iPods and even the levees in New Orleans, but the more you thought about it, you would say; Golf Clubs, fishing poles and snow boards; boy you do need a vacation don’t you? Yes and they you would be re-designing the Château, ski lift and making yourself a new snow mobile too.

You would water pipes, oil pipelines, aqueducts and Space Needles out of the stuff. You are a true American entrepreneur I can tell, so I am thinking you wish to make flag poles, Washington Monument and even the Statue of Liberty out of this stuff. Oh, did I tell you that this material could conduct electricity and even remain invisible to the naked eye? Oh, there goes your engineering mind again, underground Internet lines; high-tension power lines and ditch those lightning prone telephone wires too. Well, I guess we agree that Carbon Nanotubes are the material of the future then. Think on this.

Related reading: silicon carbide whisker Silver Nanoparticles Antimicrobial

All About Silver Nanoparticles Antimicrobial

Nano-silver antibacterial agent is to achieve nanoscale metal particle elemental silver, about 25 nanometers in diameter mostly. Then the use of special technology, nano-silver into a carrier to form a solution.

Silver Nanoparticles Antimicrobial originated from the ancient times people began to use, it was found that silver and copper vessels retained water should not deteriorate, and later the palace of your time and get used to eat the rich silver chopsticks, folk and wear jewelry made of silver, Chinese folk very early recognized the silver has antibacterial effect.

Refers to the ability of nano-silver antibacterial agent within a certain time, so that certain microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, yeasts, algae and viruses, etc.) necessary to maintain growth or reproduction below the level of chemicals. Nano-silver antibacterial agent is a substance or product has bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties.

Antibacterial principle
Contact reaction antibacterial mechanism: silver ions contact reaction, resulting in the destruction of microorganisms common components or produce dysfunction. When a small amount of silver ions to reach the microbial cell membranes, because the latter with a negative charge, relying on Coulomb attraction, so that the two strongly adsorbed silver ions penetrate the cell wall into the cell, and react with SH groups, so that protein coagulation, damage cells synthase activity, cell death and loss of the ability to proliferate. Silver ions can damage microbial electron transport system, respiratory system and mass transport systems.

Potent bactericidal, repair and regeneration, broad-spectrum bactericidal, permeability, durability, no drug resistance.

Related reading: multi walled carbon nanotubes antibacterial coating nano silver

Outstanding Nano Diamond Powder

Nano Diamond Powder 5-20nm
1.High purity.
2.Low price.
3.Excellent quality. Nano diamond powder for grinding and polishing. Specifications:. Nano diamond. Powder for grinding and polishing. :. Outstanding wearability,anti-causticity and thermal conductivity,stable high dispersibility,superhigh purity. Our nano diamond is achieved from the dissociative carbon in super high pressure and temperature during the detonation by the oxygen-negative explosive. The nano diamonds, with 5 – 20 nanometer basic sizes, have sphere shape and functional group of oxygen and nitrogen on the surface. It possesses characteristics of both diamond and nano functional made of … . Characteristics:. Super finish polishing property.
1.Outstanding wearability, anti-causticity and thermal conductivity.
2.Stable high dispersibility.
3.Superhigh purity, main element impurity below 30 ppm.
4.Various dispersible products.
5.Super polishing effect with minus 0.8 nm surface roughness. Product classification:. Black powder slurry series in different cluster size distributions. Black powder series with different nanodiamond contents. Grey and superfine powder series of nanodiamonds. Black powder slurry series in different cluster size distributions.

The reaction of nanoscale diamond (ND) powder with an elemental fluorine/hydrogen mixture at temperatures varying from 150 to 470 °C resulted in the high degree of ND surface fluorination yielding a fluoro-nanodiamond with up to 8.6 at. % fluorine content. The fluoro-nanodiamond was used as a precursor for preparation of the series of functionalized nanodiamonds by subsequent reactions with alkyllithium reagents, diamines, and amino acids. The fluoro-nanodiamond and corresponding alkyl-, amino-, and amino acid-nanodiamond derivatives were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and thermal gravimetry-mass spectrometry (TG-MS) measurements. In comparison with the pristine nanodiamond, all functionalized nanodiamonds show an improved solubility in polar organic solvents, e.g., alcohols and THF, and a reduced particle agglomeration. The developed methodology provides an efficient method for the chemical modification of nanodiamond powder, which enables a variety of engineering and biomedical applications of ND derivatives.

Related reading: multi walled carbon nanotubes antibacterial coating nano silver

All About Aluminum Oxide Nanopowder

Nano-aluminum oxide, fumed silica is the use of the BET surface area obtained by gas-phase process is similar to the particle diameter of 100 ± 15 aluminum oxide 13 nm. Has all the advantages of hydrophilic fumed silica, improve static friction powder of positive chargeability.Nano aluminum oxide diameter distribution, high resistivity, with good insulation properties, widely used in plastics, rubber, ceramics, paints and other fields requiring high insulation performance.

A-MITE™ powders and dispersions are recently developed inorganic aluminum oxide nanopowder with unique abrasion resistance properties for use in optical lenses, windows, flooring and other surfaces and coatings prone to scratching. A-MITE-A™ products are uncoated and hydrophilic. A-MITE-O™ products are coated with an organic silane (1-4%) and are hydrophobic. Our oxide nanopowders are typically around 10nm, 50nm, 100nm, and/or 200nm. They are also available as a nanofluid through the AE Nanofluid production group. Nanofluids are generally defined as suspended nanoparticles in solution either using surfactant or surface charge technology. Nanofluid dispersion and coating selection technical guidance is also available. Other nanostructures include nanorods, nanowhiskers, nanohorns, nanopyramids and other nanocomposites. Surface functionalized nanoparticles allow for the particles to be preferentially adsorbed at the surface interface using chemically bound polymers.

Development research is underway in Nano Electronics and Photonics materials, such as MEMS and NEMS, Bio Nano Materials, such as Biomarkers, Bio Diagnostics & Bio Sensors, and Related Nano Materials, for use in Polymers, Textiles, Fuel Cell Layers, Composites and Solar Energy materials. Nanopowders are analyzed for chemical composition by ICP, particle size distribution (PSD) by laser diffraction, and for Specific Surface Area (SSA) by BET multi-point correlation techniques. Novel nanotechnology applications also include Quantum Dots. High surface areas can also be achieved using solutions and using thin film by sputtering targets and evaporation technology using pellets, rod and foil. For technical, research and safety information A-MITE™ or for more information on nanotechnology, please contact our customer service department.

Aluminum (Al) atomic and molecular weight, atomic number and elemental symbolAluminum, also known as Aluminium, (atomic symbol: Al, atomic number: 13) is a Block P, Group 13, Period 3 element with an atomic weight of 26.9815386. It is the third most abundant element in the earth’s crust and the most abundant metallic element.Aluminum Bohr ModelAluminum’s name is derived from alumina, the mineral from which Sir Humphrey Davy attempted to refine it from in 1812. It wasn’t until 1825 that Aluminum was first isolated by Hans Christian Oersted. Aluminum is a silvery gray metal that possesses many desirable characteristics. It is light, nonmagnetic and non-sparking. It stands second among metals in the scale of malleability, and sixth in ductility. It is extensively used in many industrial applications where a strong, light, easily constructed material is needed. Elemental Aluminum Although it has only 60% of the electrical conductivity of copper, it is used in electrical transmission lines because of its light weight. Pure aluminum is soft and lacks strength, but alloyed with small amounts of copper, magnesium, silicon, manganese, or other elements it imparts a variety of useful properties. Aluminum was first predicted by Antoine Lavoisierin 1787 and first isolated by Friedrich Wöhler in 1827. For more information on aluminum, including properties, safety data, research, and American Elements’ catalog of aluminum products, visit the Aluminum element page.

Related reading: silicon dioxide nanoparticles Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes

An Introduction of Silicon Carbide Whisker

Silicon carbide whiskers is a little flawed, there is a certain aspect ratio of single crystal fibers, it has a very good temperature resistance and high strength. Mainly used for applications requiring high temperature high-strength material toughening occasions. Such as: aerospace materials, high-speed cutting tool. Currently, with high cost performance.

Silicon carbide whisker belong to a diamond crystal, is now synthesized whiskers highest hardness, modulus maximum, maximum tensile strength, heat resistance temperature of the highest whiskers products, divided the α type and β type two forms, which is superior to α-type β-type and has a higher hardness (Mohs hardness of 9.5 and above), better toughness and conductivity, wear resistance, high temperature, particularly resistant to earthquake , corrosion resistance, radiation has been applied on and engine, high-temperature turbine rotor, special parts on aircraft, missiles shell.

Silicon carbide whiskers is a little flawed, there is a certain aspect ratio of single crystal fibers, it has a very good temperature resistance and high strength. Mainly used for applications requiring high temperature high-strength material toughening occasions. Such as: aerospace materials, high-speed cutting tool. Currently, with high cost performance.

Cubic silicon carbide whisker whiskers, and belong to a diamond crystal, is now synthesized whiskers highest hardness, modulus maximum, maximum tensile strength, heat resistance temperature of the highest whiskers products, divided the α type and β type in two forms, including β-type performance than α type. β type than the α type having a higher hardness (Mohs hardness of 9.5 and above), better toughness and conductivity, wear resistance, high temperature, especially earthquake-resistant, corrosion-resistant, resistant to radiation, have housing in aircraft, missiles on and engine, high-temperature turbine rotor, has been applied on special parts.

Silicon carbide is extremely anisotropic crystal growth is achieved by a catalyst on the basis of silicon carbide particles on the surface along the crystal growth of the short fibers, there are two main methods currently producing a gas phase reaction method and a solid material, which method is more solid material It is economical and suitable for industrial production.

Japan and the United States show the synthesis of silicon carbide of a high enthusiasm, in terms of reducing costs and improving the quality of work done a lot of research. Ramsey and other American to amorphous silica as silicon source rice husk species (obtained from burning carbonized rice husk), were mixed in pulverized petroleum coke carbonized rice husk and powder sintering to produce a silicon carbide products. Japan Tanaka and other acid-boiled rice husk, cleaning, carbonation, sintering and other steps to obtain high-purity silicon carbide products.

The first production of silicon carbide whiskers of manufacturers, production of silicon carbide whiskers is a high strength beard shape (one-dimensional) single crystal, high strength, high modulus, and many other excellent mechanical properties, it is widely used in metal matrix, ceramic matrix composite. Mainly used in ceramic cutting tools, high temperature components in the field of aerospace, main bearing strong, large mud pumps, etc. Add to this new material has obtained a more excellent high temperature components, wear resistance, widely used as a structural material in aviation, aerospace, automotive, machinery, petrochemical and other, known as the king of whiskers said. In particular, it has a special significance in the automotive, aerospace engines, housing and so on.

In addition, it was added as an enhanced component plastic matrix, metal matrix or ceramic matrix and play a role in enhancing toughening, high thermal conductivity Sic use of nano materials, high insulation resistance, as large scale integrated circuit substrates in the electronics industry and packaging materials. As an optical material information in the television show, fields of modern communications and the Internet with a high value.

Silicon carbide whiskers in the manufacture of high-strength plastic, metal and ceramic applications work, you can speed up the upgrading of key traditional products. As the nano-silicon carbide whiskers of outstanding features, it has a special role in the aerospace industry industry sectors, namely in aircraft, missile applications and engine housing, the high temperature turbine rotor, special components, military industry and so it huge demand for civilian industry.

Related reading: aluminum oxide nanopowder cnts composite propellant

Comparisons of Mineral Makeup

Mineral foundations have increased in popularity over the years as people have been drawn to the idea that it’s more natural, therefore kinder to and more comfortable on your skin. Though many people think this just includes powder foundations, liquid formulas can be mineral foundation too.

They call them mineral make up. They call them pure. They say they have only “good things” in them. Is this true? And how do they compare in price? Let’s compare apples to apples. I’ve listed all the well know brands of mineral cosmetics, compared their ingredients, their cost, and their actual cost per gram. Although each company offers several products such as foundations, blushes, eye shadows, etc, I’ve chosen the most popular – foundations – as a basis of comparison. I’ve stacked them against Purely Cosmetics to see how each holds up against the other.

Any ingredient marked in bold contains a non-pure, non-earth mineral. Some even worse: parabens are preservatives that are thought to be linked to breast cancer and early aging of the skin. Bismuth oxychloride is a filler that is a by-product of lead and copper processing and is irritating to the skin.Copper Oxide Nanoparticles is good for you!

This is lengthy, but you’ll find some real eye openers. Your favorite mineral makeup is most likely listed here, as I’ve compared Bare Escentuals, Jane Iredale, GLO Minerals, Sheer Cover, Laura Mercier, Youngblood, PUR Minerals, L’Oreal, and Neutragena to Purely Cosmetics.

Note about micronized particles: The use of micronized titanium dioxide is controversial. Some research indicates that micro-size particles do stay on the surface of the skin and do not enter the bloodstream, while others question the long-term safety of using nanoparticles. Studies have shown that it is possible for micronized titanium dioxide particles to penetrate cells and eventually lead to DNA damage following sun exposure. Asthmatics and others with repiratory problems should be cautioned about using loose powders with micronized ingredients as they are easily airborne. Micronized particles are liked by some mineral makeup companies because they provide a smooth coverage and adhere easily. The smaller the particle, the more sheer and natural looking the application. On the flip side, micronized particles cannot provide medium to full coverage for those who need to cover life’s imperfections.

Related reading: boron nitride powder silicon carbide whisker