About Carbon Nanotube for Surgery Wound Healing

Carbon nanotubes have many unique properties – they are so many things almost perfect material. They are not only 50 times stronger than steel, they are also lighter by a very substantial. You know, scientists have discovered that a very interesting; carbon nanotubes, graphene coating, the introduction of certain enzymes in the blood to break their bonds, is the blood of animals and humans.

Now then, not long ago, we are talking about this in our Internet style think tank, and I came up with a new innovation, idea, and potential invention in the bioscience and life sciences industry sector. A carbon nanotube patch or carbon nano-tube stitches for Post Surgery wound healing.

You see, Carbon Nano Tubes are decayed by enzymes in blood, and that includes members of the human species or other Earth species with blood, so it is perfect for veterinarians or hospital surgeons. How would this work you ask? Well let me explain it to you;

Since blood causes carbon nano tubes to decay, over a two or three day – as the wound healed the carbon nanotubes would dissolve. Since carbon is part of the human body, and much of any animal species on this planet is carbon based, it wouldn’t hurt anything. In fact, if you coated the carbon nanotube stitches with some sort of antibiotic, you could also solve that problem. Please consider all this.

The carbon nanotube stitches would be shaped like a spring, and you would place a device over the wound pressing the flesh together, and trying to align the skin. Next you would turn on the device, and it would spin this spring forward along the wound, as the front of the spring makes a path for the rest of the spring as it would whirl and twirl itself along and close up the wound.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you’ve enjoyed today’s discussion and topic.

Related reading: Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes Silver Nanoparticles Antimicrobial

Silicon Nanoparticle Used In The Paint 

Nano-silicon particles have a larger surface area, colorless and transparent; a lower viscosity, penetration ability, good dispersion properties. Silicon nano silica particles are nanoscale, its size is less than the visible light wave length, do not form the reflection and refraction phenomena visible, it will not make the paint surface matting.

Uses of silicon dioxide nanoparticles
1. reaction with organic matter, as silicone polymer raw material
2. Preparation of metallic silicon by purifying polysilicon.
3. The metal surface treatment.
4. Alternative nano carbon or graphite as lithium battery cathode materials, lithium battery capacity greatly improved.
5. The semiconductor microelectronic packaging materials.
6. automotive beauty products: increase gloss, fill minor cracks surface

Perfect application of nanotechnology in paint products, to include interior, exterior, antibacterial latex paint, primer and dozens of varieties. Product performance has been greatly improved: expose nanoscale some amphiphobic, sticky water, non-stick oil, resistant to wash up on a million times; superior adhesion and flexibility, not hollowing, can not afford to skin, not cracking; nanomaterials ultraviolet shielding function, greatly improving the resistance to aging, long-term does not fade, the service life of ten years; unique optical catalytic self-cleaning function, anti-mildew sterilization, clean air. The coating applications:

1, exterior paint if users need to improve the coating of anti-aging, scrub, anti-staining properties, for high-grade paint, recommendations, or used in combination alone. The former dosage is 1-5%, which increase the amount of nano-titanium dioxide 0.5-3% 0.5-2% nanometer silicon, for middle and low coatings, nanomaterials dosage is 1-2%, mainly with Nano silicon, no or little use of nano titanium dioxide. In general, the amount of material costs as allowable range Nei Nami high percentage of costs under strict control, it is recommended customers through testing to determine the optimum amount of nano-materials added to make it has a very good price.

2, the interior wall paint if users have higher indoor air quality requirements, the available nano-titanium dioxide powder or rice anion to purify the air with antibacterial nano materials or nano-zinc oxide to enhance the antibacterial, antifungal properties. Users can be improved through the use of nano-titanium dioxide and nano-silica-bound leveling, anti-staining properties and thickening properties of the coating, the recommended dosage (1-3%), alone, composite can, using negative ions and anatase nano titanium dioxide coating can improve the ability to purify the air.

3, a special paint
1.antistatic coating, antistatic requirements for rooms and other high places;
2.wear-resistant coatings, nano-zirconia, cobalt oxide nanoparticles can significantly improve the coating hardness and wear resistance;
3.corrosion-resistant coatings, nano silica, nano-titanium dioxide, nano-zinc oxide, alone or in combination can improve the corrosion resistance of the coating, particularly against sea water corrosion;
4.fire retardant paint, if there are requirements for fire performance coatings, nano-magnesium oxide is recommended to add an amount of 0.5-5%, respectively.

Related reading: nano diamond powder Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes

Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles

Copper Oxide Nanoparticles have great interest because their optical, catalytic, mechanical and electrical properties. Copper is a noble metal such as Au and Ag a good alternative material, because it is highly conductive and than they is much more economical. Copper plays due to its excellent electrical conductivity plays an important role in electronic circuits. Copper nanoparticles are cheap and their properties can be controlled according to the synthetic method. Further, in the catalyst, the nanoparticle has a higher efficiency than the particles. Copper nanoparticles are synthesized by different techniques. The most important for the synthesis of copper nanoparticles are chemical methods such as chemical reduction, electrochemical techniques, photochemical reduction and thermal decomposition. Copper nanoparticles can be easily oxidized to form copper oxide. To avoid oxidation, these methods are usually carried out in a non-aqueous medium in low precursor concentration, and under an inert atmosphere (argon, nitrogen).

One of the most important methods for the synthesis of copper nanoparticles is the reduction chemical method. In this technique a copper salt is reduced by a reducing agent such as polyols, sodium borohydride, Hydrazine, Ascorbic acid, hypophosphite . In addition, it is used from capping agents such as Polyethylene glycol and poly (vinylpyrrolidone) . Some of the chemical reducing reactions can be carried out at room temperature. Salzemann et al used microemulsion method to synthesize nanoparticles of copper with size of 3-13 nm. Copper nanoparticles were produced by the polyol method in ambient atmosphere. The obtained nanoparticles were confirmed by XRD to be crystalline copper. SEM study shows that sizes of particles produced were 48±8 nm. Colloidal copper with particle sizes of 40–80 nm has been reported from reduction with sodium borohydride in aqueous solution at room temperature. The copper nanoparticles were stabilized by starch. In 2008, copper nanoparticles were synthesized by the reduction of Cu2+ in solutions of poly(acrylic acid)-pluronic blends results in a stable sol of metallic copper with a particle size below 10 nm. Reduction of copper ions by sodium borohydride in the presence of sodium polyacrylate was reported. Copper nanocrystals sizes were 14 nm. Chatterjee et al. presented a simple method for synthesis of metallic copper nanoparticles using Cucl2 as reducing agent and gelatin as stabilizer with a size of 50-60 nm.

Chemical reduction method is one of the micro-emulsion technology. Microemulsion containing at least three components, i.e. polar phase (typically water), non-polar phase (usually oil) and surfactant isotropic, macroscopically homogeneous and thermodynamically stable solution. Copper nanoparticle synthesis by reducing the non-ionic oil in water used to NaBH 4 (W / O) microemulsion of aqueous cupric chloride solution to achieve. Solanki and so on. Microemulsion reported synthesis of copper and copper sulfide nanoparticles. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed that nanoparticles of metallic copper present. In 2013, facile synthesis of copper and copper oxide nanoparticles size adjustable proposed by Kumar et al. They found that the reduction with hydrazine hydrate gives copper nanoparticles in an inert atmosphere of nitrogen, and under aerobic conditions the reaction of sodium borohydride, to give copper (II) oxide nanoparticles. In another study, the copper salt is dissolved in dioxane / -AOT solution and the hydrazine hydrate under vigorous stirring reduced. Nano colloid size of 70-80 nm.

Related reading: silicon dioxide nanoparticles nano diamond powder

How Using Gold Nanoparticles Develop Novel Nanosurgery Technique?

Nanotechnology in today’s society are more and more mature, the future development of new technologies provide a higher standard of living, the scientists are trying hard to explore new areas. A research team led by Professor Michel Meunier from the Polytechnique Montréal has developed a novel transfection technique using gold nanoparticles and a femtosecond laser to change cancer cells’ genetic material.

In this technique, silver nanoparticle and gold nanoparticles are deposited on the cells to concentrate the laser energy and enable it conduct a nano-scale surgery in a highly accurate non-invasive manner. This method is capable of changing the gene expression in the cancer cells to slow down their movement, thus preventing metastases formation. This pioneering achievement in nanosurgery paves the way to advance cancer treatments and other innovative medical applications.

This technique is a promising replacement for traditional cellular transfection techniques like lipofection. In the experiment on malignant human melanoma cells, this method showed an optoporation efficacy of 70% and a transfection performance three folds better than that of lipofection treatment. Moreover, contrary to traditional treatments that destroy the cells’ physical integrity, the novel technique ensures cellular viability with below 1% of toxicity.

This significant scientific advancement opens the door to develop promising applications such as novel therapeutic methods in cardiology, neurology, and oncology. The Polytechnique Montréal team works in partnership with scientists from the Department of Medicine at the McGill University Health Centre.

This project is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Canada Research Chairs program, the Canada Foundation for Innovation, and the Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies.

The research team has reported their findings in the journal Biomaterials.

Related reading: Silver Nanoparticles Antimicrobial aluminum oxide nanopowder

Nanoparticles In Modern Life

Nano-materials with traditional materials do not have the bizarre or unusual physical and chemical properties, such as the original conductive copper to a nanometer limit is not conductive, the original insulation silica, crystal, etc., when in a nanoscale boundaries electrical conduction. This is due to nano-materials with small particle size, surface area, surface energy is high, a large proportion of surface atoms, etc., as well as its unique three effects: surface effect, small size effect and macroscopic quantum tunneling effect.

Nowadays, nanoparticles, one of the “building blocks” of nanotechnology are all around us and have been with us throughout our history. Electron micrograph of gold nanoparticles is a snap shot of tiny gold crystals that are 1/10,000th the diameter of a human hair. In every aspect of our day to day lives, from the size of our personal electronic devices to the way diagnose and treat cancer; all part of the promised nanotechnology revolution, nanoparticles may soon transform it. The very word “nanotechnology” seems to suggest something alien; something that belongs far in the future or in the realm of our favorite sci-fi movies.

Gold nanopowders were with us when human beings began making their first tools, and they are present in products we buy at the grocery store every day. They largely flew under the radar until electron microscopes become commonplace several decades ago, but now, the more we turn our microscopes on everyday objects, the more nanoparticles we seem to find.

Even the most seemingly mundane objects can give rise to nanoparticles; detecting them is simply a matter of being able to look closely enough to see them (no simple matter for such small materials). You could find nanoparticles in your jewelry box or the drawer with your family’s fanciest silverware.

I got to see this first hand while I was working in the Hutchison lab at the University of Oregon several years ago.1 Some of my colleagues were trying to understand why silver nanoparticles change size and shape so rapidly, even when they are just left in storage on the shelf. Because they saw such rapid changes in the size and shape of silver nanoparticles, they thought to look and see if large every day pieces of silver and copper (Sterling silver forks, earrings, and wires) might give off nanoparticles.2 To test this, they simply left the fork (or any of the other items) on an electron microscopy grid for several hours, then took the fork away, and had a peek at what it had left behind. Surprisingly, they found that the silver and copper items had left silver and copper nanoparticles behind all over the grid; a most elegant demonstration that human beings can come into contact with a variety of nanoparticles, even in our own homes. Forks and earrings are merely the tip of the iceberg, though. Wherever we go during our day-to-day routine we can encounter nanoparticles (both synthetic and natural).

Synthetic nanoparticles (sometimes called anthropogenic nanoparticles) fall into two general categories: “incidental” and “engineered” nanoparticles. Incidental nanoparticles are the byproducts of human activities, generally have poorly controlled sizes and shapes, and may be made of a hodge-podge of different elements. Many of the processes that generate incidental nanoparticles are common every day activities: running diesel engines, large-scale mining, and even starting a fire.

Engineered nanoparticles on the other hand, have been specifically designed and deliberately synthesized by human beings. Not surprisingly, they have very precisely controlled sizes, shapes, and compositions. They may even contain “layers” with different chemical compositions(e.g. a core made out of gold, covered in a shell of silica, and coated with specifically chosen antibodies). Although engineered nanoparticles get more sophisticated with each passing year, simple engineered nanoparticles can be created by relatively simple chemical reactions that have been within the scope of chemists and alchemists for many centuries. This means that long before people could “see” a nanoparticle through an electron microscope, human beings were both deliberately and accidentally generating a wide variety of these materials.

Related reading: Copper Oxide Nanoparticles silicon dioxide nanoparticles

Some Risk of Tiny Nanoparticles

Nanotechnology poses a question for occupational health and safety professionals. Does this technology, and the tiny nanoparticles that are its tools, pose an unintended risk of illness or injury for workers employed in the industry?

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in an effort to understand the health and safety consequences of nanomaterials forefront of work. A growing number of scientific publications of large research institutions, including just this week, the address of one type of nano-materials, especially Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes issued a new study, and seek to determine whether they have biological behave like asbestos. That is, if inhaled, is likely to cause irreparable nanotubes and deadly effects, such as those associated with asbestos exposure? Effects of asbestos, including severe lung fibrosis, or scarring, lung cancer, including lung or pleura called mesothelioma, a cancer of the lining.

The question of a comparison between carbon nanotubes and asbestos arises for several reasons. Some varieties of carbon nanotubes are similar in shape to asbestos fibers, and like asbestos, some varieties of carbon nanotubes have been shown in laboratory studies to persist in the lungs of laboratory animals. Some animal studies have even shown effects similar to those of asbestos.

Carbon nanotubes are tiny, cylindrical, manufactured forms of carbon. There is no single type of carbon nanotube. One type can differ from another in terms of shape (single-walled or multi-walled) or in chemical composition (pure carbon or containing metals or other materials). Carbon nanotube exposures can potentially occur not only in the process of manufacturing them, but also at the point of incorporating these materials into polymer composites, medical nanoapplications, and electronics.

The question of whether carbon nanotubes pose a toxicological hazard has been investigated since at least 2003. A challenge has been in determining if carbon nanotube materials used in the workplace have the same characteristics as those associated with biological responses in laboratory studies. Earlier studies used materials with high levels of other forms of carbon such as carbon black and high levels of metal catalyst.

Carbon nanotubes can vary widely in diameter, length, number of layers, and structures. They can also vary widely in surface composition, since certain carbon nanotubes may be “coated” with specific metals or other materials in order to perform specific functions. Also, they can clump together or agglomerate, which can affect their potential for settling in the lungs if inhaled, their ability to penetrate the body’s membranes and consequently move from the lungs to other organs, and their interaction with cells and tissue. Such variations bring an additional degree of complexity to risk assessment analysis for carbon nanotubes.

Asbestos-like responses to carbon nanotubes may not be entirely surprising to scientists, given previous toxicological and epidemiological studies of other biopersistent fibers since such studies show that once fibers are deposited in the lung, they stay there.6 However, questions have been raised about using these research findings for risk assessment analysis in the light of study limitations such as use of model animals, artificial administration methods, and sometimes extremely high doses, which are not representative of those exposures usually present in the workplace environment. Such limitations are not unusual for pioneering scientific studies. They simply mean that at this stage of the research, gaps remain that need to be closed by further study before quantitative risk assessment can be conducted.

Related reading: aluminum oxide nanopowder silicon dioxide nanoparticles

About Antimicrobial Silver Nanoparticles

“Nano Silver” is “silver nanoparticles” is abbreviated or commonly known, refers to the particles of silver atoms, the particle size is generally in the range of 1-100 nm. Silver chunks of material surface having antibacterial properties already well known, the mechanism is located on the surface of the silver atoms in the oxygen environment may be slow oxidation, releasing free silver ions (Ag +), the silver ions with the wall of the bacteria mercapto binding, blocking the bacterial respiratory chain, eventually killing bacteria adhered to the surface of the material. For bulk material is silver, the oxidation process is extremely slow, the amount and rate of release of silver ions very low.

Some people are claiming for Silver Nanoparticles Antimicrobial and solutions to be bad without any proof. Dr. Flavin from the FDA actually stated that silver is in fact safe and can benefit the immune system.

Silver Nanoparticles are tiny particles of silver and are made with a very low application of electricity to pure silver. If the amount of electricity applied is too much, the silver particles will not be nano sized and it’s important that they are nanoparticles because they are small enough to affect viruses.

As far as the claims of silver being “toxic”. Have you ever seen any any effects from holding silver in your hand. The answer to that would be no. If silver were toxic, we couldn’t hold it with our bare hands safely.

In the air there are heavy metals like lead, mercury and cadmium we breathe in all the time. Most of this comes from industry and past weapons testing in the 1940’s and 1950’s. These metals also show up in our water supply. They are very dangerous metals and are proven to be toxic. Yet we are still alive.

Silver is not proven to be toxic at all.
There is a condition called argyria. This condition is real and used by organizations to scare people away. Argyria turns the skin a blue/gray color. This is caused from large amounts of impure silver build up in the skin. Impure silver has other material in it that is not supposed to be there like proteins, other metals, salt, etc.

The truth about argyria is that it is extremely rare. The only way to get argyria is to take poorly made impure silver solutions. Dr. Flavin, a former science assistant to the Director of Toxicology at the FDA, made a signed statement that says pure silver solutions are not toxic and admits that silver nanoparticles, are in fact proven to help the immune system. The link to this document is below.

All silver solutions should be nano sized and made from.999 pure silver. Any good pure silver nanoparticle solution provider will state the silver particle size and the ppm (parts per million) amount on the bottle or they will tell you if asked. Some companies have effectively made silver particles at.8 microns which is smaller than a nanoparticle.

Most providers will recommend taking 1/2 a teaspoon or smaller. Any silver that is not used by the body will be expelled through the urine when taken in small amounts.

Silver nano particles working the body.
The immune system can be preoccupied with other germs and bacteria. Even more if there is a virus present. When the immune system is working overtime, this can weaken the bodies defenses and allow germs, viruses and bacteria to grow since the immune system can’t keep up and kill them. This makes us sick.

The introduction of silver nanoparticles. Silver with positive charge viruses and harmful bacteria like negatively charged. Thus, when silver nanoparticles come into contact, it inhibits the viruses and bacteria, and kill them with natural anti-bacterial silver, antibiotics and anti-viral properties. When viruses and bacteria are put out of commission, which makes the natural immune system to grow and grow, what then take care of the rest. Very simple, but very effective.

Related reading: aluminum oxide nanopowder silicon carbide whisker

Use of Nano Technology

Nano diamond also can be used in medicine for cancer, gastrointestinal disorders, skin disorders. It is non-toxic, non-carcinogenic or change the nature of rust. Nanodiamonds are super active adsorbent and biologically active positioning agent, greatly enhancing drug effect.

The Korea Science and Technology together with the Korea University has made a research that uncovered the effects of the nano-particles in killing bacteria and germs. However, their research showed that the nano-silver particles have microbe particles that are known to damage plants and animal cells that have been exposed to these particles.

Right after the research done, an alarm was raised to many washer companies and one of them was the Samsung Electronics which has been very active in their promotion of the nano diamond powder Health System in washers and their air conditioners.

Gu Man-bok, professor in the bioscience department of Korea University stated that their evaluation of the effects of the silver nano-particles on different organisms as well as the environment is now on going. They further stated that the experiments the department has been doing on rice fishes have shown that the toxic on these organisms has been high in concentration.

Gu further stated that his laboratory has joined hand in hand with the Ministry of Environment to do a research about the silver nano-particles effect on different forms of life and this was considered as a delayed effort due to the fact that many consumers have already purchased washers with this technology and they have already been exposed to these kinds of products. Silver-nano cutlery, electronics, clothes, toys, baby bottles and the face masks are also now being sold in the market.

In lieu of these researches, the government of USA is planning to ban the selling of these products starting next year of evidence of safety is not provided. However, the government of South Korea stated that it was not in their plans to regulate such products.

According to Yoon Jun-won, a researcher of National Institute of Environmental Research said that it is too early to decide whether they are going to regulate certain products or not because as of this time, there aren’t proven bad effects that are coming from these products.

For long, silver has been known to have the antiseptic effect and because of this, many Greeks in the olden days had used silver vessels for drinking water storage. Koreans have also chosen silver to make their chopsticks.

Because of this fact about silver, the modern technology has also maximized the used of silver as antibiotic. Through small particles with bigger surface areas, the particles can react with other materials more actively that is why many companies have taken advantage of the use of sliver particles that measure one nanometer.

In order to know the effects of the size of particles in sterilizing, Gu together with his colleagues has used a bacterium which was genetically modified to alter the damage that was incurred. Amazingly, it was out that super-oxide radical commonly described as deleterious molecules were produced by silver nano-particles and these radicals were not produced from normal silver ions.

LG Electronics as well as Samsung created washers with the silver-nano particles technology because of its power to kill bacteria. In fact, silver nano particles really kill bacteria, however; many scientists are still not certain of the safety it gives to humans. Hwang Ee-taek said that the research field is still in the elementary stage.

Another author who was also a part of the research said that many researchers are starting to become careful and aware of the results of the silver-nano particles to humans simply because of the worries that companies concerned may give them. Accordingly, this issue is such a sensitive one especially for big companies like Samsung.

Related reading: Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles Copper Oxide Nanoparticles

Zinc Oxide Nanotechnology for Future

Nano Zinc Oxide is a new high for the 21st century, the function of high value-added fine inorganic chemical products. Its diameter is between 1100 nm, also known as ultrafine zinc oxide. Since the fine crystal grains, the surface electronic structure and crystal structure changes, resulting in a surface effect macroscopic objects do not have the volume effect, quantum size effect and macroscopic tunnel effect and high transparency, high dispersion characteristics. In recent years, we found that it demonstrated in catalysis, optics, magnetism, mechanics and so on a number of special features that make it in many areas of ceramics, chemicals, electronics, optics, biology, medicine and other important application value, can not have an ordinary zinc oxide compare specificity and purposes. Due to a series of nano zinc oxide rods are excellent and very attractive prospect, and therefore has become the focus of many research and development of nano-zinc oxide scientific and technical personnel concerned.

Nanotechnology is the science of constructing components, devices, materials and systems at a nanometer level which means “near-atomic.” The word “nano” is synonymous with one-billionth. So, in nanotechnology, the works and operations happen at the scale of 1/1,000,000,000 (one over one billionth) of a total meter. Such dimension or size is so small and thin. It is about 100,000 times smaller and slimmer than a strand of hair.

An atom, which is the building block of matter, is about this small. For instance, a DNA molecule, life’s blueprint and basic foundation of human genetics, is two nanometers in length. If a material is of this size, it is expected to have unique chemical and physical properties which are caused by several factors such as the significant increase in the surface area of the material as compared to its volume which happens when a particle becomes smaller.

Why is Nanotechnology Important?

Nanotechnology is playing a very important role today and in the future to change and improve every aspect of human activities. Nanotechnology influences a lot of materials used for manufacturing important items. These materials include biomaterials, ceramics, metals and polymers. The new and improved materials formed through nanotechnology are the source of most important technological advances. As of today, nanotechnology is used on following commercial applications:

Sunscreen Lotion – Through zinc oxide particles which have a “nano” size, ultraviolet (UV) rays are absorbed and reflected. As a result, sunscreen lotions appear transparent and are smooth when applied. Before, a sunscreen lotion is white and really sticky. Through, nanotechnology, these lotions are more attractive to customers.

Self-cleaning and scratch proof window – This kind of window is actually coated with a special material that has distinctive chemical properties. Once the sun shines on these self-cleaning windows, the material starts to have a chemical reaction and results to breaking down the dirt on it. Also, if there is rain, no droplets are formed. The rainwater is evenly spread on the window panel and it washes away the dirt that was broken down. The nanoscale controls the thickness of the layer.

Stain-repellent cloth or fabric – This is actually a fabric made of dipped woven rolls of cotton fabric in liquid form that has trillions of nanotechnology fibers. The cotton is dried inside an oven that binds these infinitesimal fibers of the cotton thread. As a result, the fabric becomes resistant to liquid although its physical appearance does not change.

Bouncing tennis ball – These balls are specially coated with a nano-sized material. The molecular barrier of the ball that formed because of these minute particles traps the molecules of air, thus, making the tennis ball bouncier.

Other Remarkable Uses of Nanotechnology:

– Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) – for monitor or TV screen displays
– Photovoltaic Film – for conversion of light to electricity
– Hip Joint – formed through biomaterials
– Bucky Tube Frame – this is light but remarkably very strong material
– Nano-particle paint – used to avoid corrosion
– Thermo-chromic glass – regulates light
– Magnetic Layers – used for compressed data memory storage
– Carbon Nanotube – fuel cells used to operate vehicles and electronics

In the future, nanotechnology can change the theories and applications we believe and use. The fields of manufacturing, information technology, electronics and communications have very advance future if nanotechnology is further enhanced.

Related reading: silicon carbide whisker aluminum oxide nanopowder

Current Nanoparticles Technology

Nanotechnology is an emerging high-tech in recent years. “Nano” mainly refers to the nanometer (one length unit of measurement equal to 1 / 1000,000,000 meters) near the material scale, which manifested in different areas and for special performance called “nanotechnology”, its specific definition see the term “nanotechnology.”Copper Oxide Nanoparticles is popular today.

What is nanotechnology? It refers to a field of applied science and technology whose theme is the control of matter on the atomic and molecular levels. It makes compounds very, very small. It is supposed to deliver more effective and faster results. It makes products lighter, stronger, cleaner, and less expensive. This technology has not been thoroughly tested and we don’t know how safe it is; especially on the delicate areas of the face. The FDA has not done much research. As yet, it seems not to have any adverse effects nor have any cases emerged. However, some experts wonder about the safety because when particles get very small, they tend to develop new chemical properties. Nanoparticles can slip through skin layers, and that means they can potentially interact with the immune system and bloodstream, and possibly become toxic and damage tissue.

I did not know anything about nanotechnology until I read an article by Forbes.com, “How to Become a Billionaire.” Pete Newcomb senior editor at Forbes was answering questions on how the rich become rich. He said that to become a billionaire you need to invest, take risks, think outside the box, have big ideas and a great capacity for creative thinking, love what you do, and also think of an idea we haven’t heard of yet. Two industries of interest he mentioned were nanotech and organics. Since I am in the beauty industry and have read about organic cosmetics and not nanotech, I began to do some research. Both of these are growing markets in cosmetics. Even though nanotech was new to me, it has been around for awhile. Nippon Keidaren (Japan Business Federation) is a comprehensive economic organization born in May 2002. They forecasted that nanotech in the domestic market will gross 27 trillion by year 2010. All of the major cosmetics companies like L’Oreal, Estee Lauder, and Shisedio have nanoparticles already in many of their products. A lot of this technology is used in the anti-aging products and in sunscreens.

All major cosmetics companies do test their products and there are laws that cosmetics companies have to follow to insure products are safe, but the FDA only investigates cosmetics if safety questions emerge after a product has been on the market. The testing of nanoparticles in cosmetics continues to be tested by the big cosmetic companies using the technology. For me, the jury is still out.

I’ve worked for several cosmetics companies and tried many of their products that have this technology and have had no issues. I am not a chemist or researcher. I am a makeup artist. One of the most important aspects of makeup is the skin. After reading and learning more about nanotechnology in cosmetics, it is a bit disturbing because it may be toxic. Cosmetic companies are making these products because they are less expensive to make, they have faster results and more benefits. The companies sell whole skin care systems because they specify that they work synergistically, and have more effective results. However, whole systems may be even more toxic to the consumer, if they contain nanoparticles. Are these companies taking enough precautions to prove these products are safe? Short term, it may reduce wrinkles and lift, but long term can it cause cancer or breakdown your immune system, or damage the tissue on your face? I have changed my philosophy regarding some of these products.

To live consciously with the universe, use products that are not used in animal testing, use products that are free of parabens. Even consider making some of your own products. Try organic or natural products. If the nanoparticle in the cosmetic product is a natural compound like green tea or grapeseed extract, it is probably of no harm. But be aware of chemicals. Cosmetics are full of chemicals do you want these chemicals to enter your bloodstream and be more harmful long term. As a consumer and promoter of skin care products, I encourage my clients to do self work and study to educate themselves, ask your dermatologist. Don’t take everything said by a sales person as complete fact. If they tell you a product is going to reduce wrinkles 20% , lift your sagging skin, or make your skin soft and supple; that may happen at the moment – short term, or while your using that product continually. It may be a quick fix, but that’s not what you want when you’re caring for one of the most important organs of your body, your skin, which has a major role in protecting and presenting you. Think seriously about what you’re putting on your face and read, read, read the labels of the cosmetics you’re using.

Related reading: ruthenium metal powders silicon dioxide nanoparticles